Grimes Campaigning With Obama Liberals While Her Campaign Struggles In Kentucky

Where has Alison Lundergan Grimes been over the last week as her campaign continues to spiral downwards and fellow Democrats are losing faith?

Definitely not in Kentucky (wouldn’t want Kentucky voters to see her marching along in the parade of Obama liberals, anti-coal activists, abortion advocates, and Hollywood elite.)

Starting with just last night…


September 23 – PHILADELPHIA

Grimes Attends Fundraiser with Abortion Advocate Allyson Schwartz (Facebook Page, 9/23/14)

Allyson Schwartz Ran A Planned Parenthood Affiliated Clinic From 1975 to 1988. “Allyson Schwartz, the Democratic suburban Philadelphia congresswoman running for governor, was the director of the Elizabeth Blackwell Health Center, an affiliate of Planned Parenthood, from 1975 to 1988. Her time there coincided with the formative years of abortionist Kermit Gosnell’s infamous career.” (Michael Warren, “Did Pennsylvania Democrat Allyson Schwartz Send Women to Gosnell’s House of Horrors?,” Weekly Standard, 5/3/13)

Allyson Schwartz’s Congressional And Campaign Offices Refused To Answer Questions About Whether Her Clinic Ever Referred Women To Kermit Gosnell. “With the case getting national attention, and with the congresswoman’s political profile rapidly rising, some in Philadelphia’s pro-life community have begun to wonder about Schwartz’s own relationship with Gosnell’s longtime Philly practice. Did the Blackwell Center refer late-term patients to Gosnell while Schwartz was its director? Both Schwartz’s congressional office and her gubernatorial campaign have so far failed to answer requests for on-the-record answers to these questions”(Michael Warren, “Did Pennsylvania Democrat Allyson Schwartz Send Women to Gosnell’s House of Horrors?,” Weekly Standard, 5/3/13)

Allyson Schwartz Endorsed By Planned Parenthood. “Today, Planned Parenthood Pennsylvania PAC endorsed Allyson Schwartz for Governor. “The Planned Parenthood Pennsylvania PAC is thrilled to announce its endorsement of Allyson Schwartz for Governor,” said Sari Stevens, Executive Director of Planned Parenthood Pennsylvania Advocates and PAC. “Allyson has a distinguished record advocating for women’s health and economic security and will be a strong ally in the Governor’s office.” (Press Release, “Planned Parenthood Pennsylvania PAC Endorses Allyson Schwartz for Governor,” Planned Parenthood Pennsylvania PAC, 2/26/14)

 “Schwartz has also received the endorsements of EMILY’s List” (Press Release, “Planned Parenthood Pennsylvania PAC Endorses Allyson Schwartz for Governor,” Planned Parenthood Pennsylvania PAC, 2/26/14)


Grimes Attends Fundraiser with Anti-Coal Obama Liberal Bob Casey (Twitter Feed, 9/23/14)

Bob Casey Supported Barack Obama’s EPA In Their War On Coal. “Sen. Bob Casey, D-Pa., emphasized the importance of clean air quality as well as the state’s continuing efforts toward carbon reduction and a healthier environment. “We have an obligation to minimize the impacts of climate change while moving towards energy independence and creating jobs across the Commonwealth,” Mr. Casey said. “No one understands better than Pennsylvanians what can happen if we don’t take appropriate steps to protect our air and water.” (Don Hopey, “Federal controls target greenhouse gas emissions,” Pittsburgh Post Gazette, 6/2/14)

Bob Casey Voted Against A Bill That Would Block EPA Regulations. “Ahead of a vote pushed by Republicans to block implementation of an Environmental Protection Agency air quality rule limiting certain gases from coal plants, Casey, who represents a coal-producing state, faced pressure from both courts. At least one group, the National Mining Association, directly targeted Casey as one of a list of Democrats it hoped to swing against the EPA, reported Politico. Ultimately, Casey voted with environmental protection interests. He almost immediately issued a statement explaining why.” (Colby Itkowitz, “In EPA air quality vote, Casey sides with environment over coal,” The Morning Call, 6/20/12)

“Casey did vote against a bill to block EPA regulation of carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases and has supported a carbon tax.” (Jon Delano, “Ad War In Senate Race Heats Up Over Coal,” CBS Pittsburgh, 11/1/12)

Liberal Groups Ran Ads Thanking Casey For His Pro-EPA Votes. “The grassroots organization MomsRising launched a TV ad Monday to thank Sen. Bob Casey for voting no to a resolution to overturn EPA’s finalized Mercury and Air Toxics Standard. The video, which will air in the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton area.” (Angela Vertucci, “Liberal Group Ad Thanks Casey for Pro-EPA Vote (Watch Video),” PoliticsPA, 7/2/12)


And over the last week…

September 15 – NEW YORK

Grimes Raised Money With Liberal, Former City Council Speaker Christine Quinn in Manhattan. “In another move to ease her way back into politics, former City Council Speaker Christine Quinn helped to raise money for Kentucky Senate candidate Alison Lundergan Grimes at an intimate Manhattan reception Monday night, sources said.” (Annie Karni, “Christine Quinn fundraises for Kentucky Senate candidate Alison Lundergan Grimes at intimate Manhattan reception,” New York Daily News, 9/16/14)


September 17 – CALIFORNIA

Grimes Attended Fundraisers In California With Liberal State Senator On Wednesday. (VIEW INVITE HERE)

Grimes Campaign “Drew Donors” By “Promoting An Appearance” By Warren Buffett At Her California Fundraiser. “The McConnell campaign blasted Grimes on Wednesday for her plans to attend a California fundraiser which drew donors with an invitation promoting an appearance by billionaire Warren Buffett via conference call. (Joe Arnold, “Grimes embraces Manchin endorsement, distances herself from Buffett,” WHAS, 9/18/14)


September 18- HOLLYWOOD

“Hollywood Politicos” Held A Beverly Hills Fundraiser For Alison Lundergan Grimes. “On September 18, an A-list of Hollywood politicos will raise money for Alison Lundergan Grimes at the Beverly Hills home of producers Rosalie Swedlin and Robert Cort.” (Erik Hayden, Tina Daunt, “Gwyneth Paltrow to Host Barack Obama for October Fundraiser,” Hollywood Reporter, 9/12/14)


September 22 – NEW YORK

Grimes Cancels Speaking Role At Emily’s List Conference With Ultra-Liberal Elizabeth Warren, But Campaign Won’t Say If She Was There. “Though Grimes was originally listed to appear at a New York City fundraiser by Emily’s List, a prominent political action committee which supports female candidates who back abortion rights, her campaign did not respond to a question from WHAS11 on Tuesday asking whether Grimes was in New York on Monday, specifically at the Emily’s List event.” (Joe Arnold, “Womens vote key in Grimes, McConnell Senate race,” WHAS 11, 9/24/14)

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