February 3, 2016
CONTACT: Mike Biagi, Executive Director, (502) 875-5130
Republican Party of Kentucky Comment Regarding Senator Rand Paul and the Kentucky Republican Presidential Caucus
Republican Party of Kentucky Chairman, Mac Brown, made the following statement regarding Senator Rand Paul and the Kentucky Republican presidential caucus:
“Kentucky Republicans are extremely proud of Senator Paul for taking his message of liberty, limited government, and fiscal responsibility across the country as he pursued the Presidency. We look forward to his continued defense of conservative principles going forward, and are eager to remind Kentucky voters what he’s done to fight for the Commonwealth as we work to reelect him to the United States Senate.
“There is incredible excitement surrounding our March 5th presidential caucus, which has bolstered grassroots activism across the state and has given Kentucky a relevant role in the presidential primary nomination process. For the first time in a long time, presidential candidates are actively competing for the votes of Kentucky Republicans, and our party is growing as a result.”