December 21, 2015
CONTACT: Kelsey Cooper (502) 219-2439
Sen. Rand Paul Releases Endorsements from Kentucky Statewide Elected Officials and Leadership
LOUISVILLE, KY – Today, Rand Paul’s campaign for re-election to the United States Senate released endorsements from GOP members of Kentucky’s federal delegation, newly elected Governor and constitutional officers, and GOP leadership in Frankfort.
“I ran for office because, like many Kentuckians, I was alarmed at the problems facing our country: a stagnant and uneven economy, a growing national debt, out of control federal spending, a disastrous health care plan, the assault on our civil rights and liberties, and a misguided foreign policy,” said Sen. Paul.
“Since being elected in 2010, I have drawn attention to these problems and others here in Kentucky, like the War on Coal, the ban on industrial hemp, and our need for criminal justice reform. I have sought to work with any and all who are eager to find solutions to the issues facing our Commonwealth, and I am incredibly grateful for the support of my colleagues and fellow Republican leaders in Kentucky as I continue to work hard for all Kentuckians.”
U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is endorsing Sen. Paul’s campaign and said the following:
“I am proud to support my friend Rand Paul for his re-election to the U.S. Senate. Rand has been an irreplaceable partner in fighting for Kentucky priorities and Kentucky values. His innovative mind for conservative reforms that create jobs and get the economy working again is essential in the U.S. Senate as we seek to reverse Obama policies that have hurt Kentucky families.”
Congressman Thomas Massie (KY-2) is also supporting his re-election bid:
“Sen. Rand Paul inspired me to seek office, and I will continue to stand with him and the other principled conservatives in Washington, D.C. to fight for the people of Kentucky and our nation. Over the past four years, Rand has been a true Constitutional conservative and a fearless advocate for personal liberty, economic freedom, and fiscal responsibility. I am proud to have Sen. Paul represent the Commonwealth in Washington.”
In addition to Senator McConnell and Congressman Massie, all of the GOP members of the Kentucky Congressional delegation – Reps. Whitfield, Guthrie, Rogers, and Barr – are endorsing the campaign.
Republican leaders serving in Frankfort – Governor Matt Bevin, Lt. Governor Jenean Hampton, Agriculture Commissioner Ryan Quarles, State Auditor Mike Harmon, and State Treasurer Allison Ball, as well as Kentucky Senate President Robert Stivers and House Republican Leader Jeff Hoover – are also backing Sen. Paul’s re-election.
Rep. Ed Whitfield (1st District)
“I fully support Sen. Rand Paul in his bid for re-election to the United States Senate. It has been a pleasure to serve with him over the past few years on behalf of our constituents on a variety of issues. His dedication to the Commonwealth of Kentucky and attention to the First District has been exemplary, and I am proud to serve with him in the United States Congress.”
Rep. Brett Guthrie (2nd District)
“I am proud to support Rand for re-election to the U.S. Senate. He has been a national leader in holding the Obama Administration accountable and in growing the Republican Party brand. Rand and I share a policy passion for reducing the size of government, especially in the area of protecting small businesses from overreaching regulations that hamper job creation.”
Rep. Hal Rogers (5th District)
“Sen. Paul has proven to be a strong voice for action, opening more interest and discussion for Americans to talk to their legislators than ever before. Together, Senator Paul and I have worked to rein in government overreach and develop better economic opportunities for Kentuckians. Our Commonwealth will continue to benefit from having the power team of Senators McConnell and Paul working together in the Senate and it is a pleasure to support him for re-election.”
Rep. Andy Barr (6th District)
“Kentuckians have benefitted from Rand Paul’s vision and hard work in the Senate, and I am proud to endorse his re-election. I look forward to continuing our work to rein in an unaccountable government, control spending in Washington and promote liberty so we can finally get America back on the right track.”
Governor Matt Bevin
“Rand Paul is a staunch defender of our liberties, a tireless advocate for Kentucky, and a proven leader who boldly and consistently stands against the overreach of big government. I urge all voters in the Commonwealth to join me in supporting his re-election to the U.S. Senate.”
Lieutenant Governor Jenean Hampton
“Our nation desperately needs senators who will honor their oath to support and defend the constitution. Senator Paul has demonstrated his commitment to liberty and I am honored to stand with him in his re-election.”
Agriculture Commissioner Ryan Quarles
“Since being elected in 2010, Sen. Paul has proven to be a strong, principled leader in the Senate and fought tirelessly for all Kentuckians. Whether he’s battling the Obama administration’s hurtful policies or proposing legislation to help Kentucky farmers & entrepreneurs, Rand Paul has continued to work hard for our Commonwealth, so I am proud to endorse him for his re-election to the Unites States Senate.”
State Treasurer Allison Ball
“As someone who believes in a need for financial responsibility, I am proud to endorse a true conservative like Senator Rand Paul for his re-election to the United States Senate. Sen. Paul has been unwavering in his pursuit of limited government, fiscal responsibility, and personal liberty, so I look forward to his continued leadership and advocacy for these principles.”
State Auditor Mike Harmon
“Sen. Rand Paul has served as a strong defender of the United States Constitution and of the traditional and conservative values I hold dear. It is my honor to endorse him for his 2016 re-election for the United States Senate.”
Kentucky Senate President Robert Stivers
“Sen. Rand Paul has my support for his re-election bid to the United States Senate. He has proven he is the right person to represent Kentucky. Since Sen. Paul took his seat in the United States senate in 2010, he has found an amazing balance, standing with his party and working closely with his caucus and leaders. At the same time, he challenges the status quo, and continuously asks everyone, including the GOP and its leadership, to do the same. He is an independent and strong voice, without being an obstructionist. Kentucky, and the entire country, benefit from his service.”
Kentucky House Republican Floor Leader Jeff Hoover
“I am glad that Sen. Rand Paul has chosen to seek re-election. Kentucky will be well represented in this new U.S. Senate, as Republicans take the helm. I am confident that Sens. Mitch McConnell and Paul will make a great team and lead our state and nation forward. I am happy to support his re-election efforts.”