Oldham County Republican Women’s Club Meeting
Inspirational Gardens, BucknerContact: Chairwoman Debbie Pate 502-552-8179, mtpateasst@insightbb.com
Contact: Chairwoman Debbie Pate 502-552-8179, mtpateasst@insightbb.com
Frankfort Country Club101 Duntreath StreetFrankfort, KY 40601Contact:Maree Barney-Sutley907-388-1606mareebsutley@gmail.com
Join us as we discuss current issues, organize events, and work to support our representatives. We brainstorm ways to reach our community and strive to create a lasting impact for […]
Jefferson County Republican Party Executive Committee Meeting4515 Bishop Lane, Louisville, KY 40218Contact: Caelan O’Connor, caelanoconnor@gmail.com, 502.584.7111.
For more information, our Facebook page can be found at: https://www.facebook.com/BCRPK
Please see Lincoln County GOP Facebook page for location details
2nd Tuesday each month, Mercer County EMS Building 6:30 pm McAfee Jamboree, 163 Dunn Lane, Harrodsburg, KY 40330
With Special Guest Senator Ralph Alvarado April 9, 2019 @ 7:00 PM Campbell County Fiscal Courthouse 1098 Monmouth St, Newport, KY 41071 ********************************** Please join us for our quarterly meeting. […]