Fleming County Republican Party Meeting
100 Court Square Flemingsburg, KY, United Statesflemingcountygop@gmail.comFleming County Fiscal Court Meeting Room upstairs in the old Courthouse
flemingcountygop@gmail.comFleming County Fiscal Court Meeting Room upstairs in the old Courthouse
Contact: Kathy Dietrich (270)924-9561
Contact HQ at 859.344.0831 or kcrpmail@gmail.com
Estill County Republican Women meet the second Monday of each month, excluding July and December, at the Estill County Public Library, 184 Broadway St. Irvine KY 40336, at 6pm. Refreshments […]
2nd Monday of each month, 6:00 pmElizabethtown Community and Technical College (ECTC) 600 COLLEGE ST. Room #112-JSO Elizabethtown KY 42701
Jefferson County Republican Party Executive Committee Meeting4515 Bishop Lane, Louisville, KY 40218Contact: Caelan O’Connor, caelanoconnor@gmail.com, 502.584.7111.
Join us as we discuss current issues, organize events, and work to support our representatives. We brainstorm ways to reach our community and strive to create a lasting impact for […]
Please see Lincoln County GOP Facebook page for location details