For location information and further details, please contact
The club meets in the fellowship hall of Cadiz Christian Church. Contact: Linda Williams – 270.350.6717
RSVP required, Lunch $30contact Carol Rogers, President FCRWC, (859) 227-2850 or carolrogers125@gmail.comor Suzanne Tucker, 859-533-6708
Whitaker Bank-5th Floor (Use Ann Street Entrance) Contact: Maree Barney Sutley 907-388-1606 or
Contact: Jason Hasert, Christian County Chair- 270-839-2986
flemingcountygop@gmail.comFleming County Fiscal Court Meeting Room upstairs in the old Courthouse
2nd Monday of each month, 6:00 pmElizabethtown Community and Technical College (ECTC) 600 COLLEGE ST. Room #112-JSO Elizabethtown KY 42701
Contact: Chairwoman Debbie Pate 502-552-8179,
Frankfort Country Club101 Duntreath StreetFrankfort, KY 40601Contact:Maree
Doors Open at 6:00 PM * Dinner at 6:30 PM * Cash Bar * Dressy Casual
Contact: Dwight Williams – Chairman My number is 270-826-1939 or Cell 703-328-2539 Our Facebook page can be found at:
Location Changes Monthly For more information please contact:
For more information, our Facebook page can be found at:
If you have any questions email Jerrilyn Dyer, KFRW President, at
Help Chris McDaniel, Stephanie Dietz, and Kim Moser by canvassing door=to-door!
The Republican Party of Jessamine County invites you to a Meet and Greet with retired Air Force BG Robert Givens ( Also visit America needs a veteran with the courage, integrity and leadership ability of this Patriot to continue to serve this great country! You are invited to meet him in the Wilmore Community […]