As just reported by cn|2, it looks like Part-Time Grimes is headed to Las Vegas to raise some campaign cash with her liberal ally Harry Reid.
Now here’s the problem – Harry Reid has openly told the public that he believes ‘coal makes us sick’ and he joins President Obama in leading the implementation of an anti-coal agenda.
Meanwhile, Alison Lundergan Grimes has made some grand claims that she will stand for Kentucky coal – but how?
Asking Kentuckians to elect her to the senate, and subsequently ensure that Harry Reid leads with his anti-coal agenda isn’t exactly fighting for Kentucky coal.
But, having the most anti-coal liberal in the Senate host a fundraiser in Las Vegas on your behalf while you preach to Kentuckians that you’ll fight for their jobs and families? That’s just plain insulting.
“It should tell Kentuckians all they need to know that the biggest supporter of Alison Lundergan Grimes’ campaign is Harry Reid, the man who thinks ‘coal makes us sick.’ If Alison was elected to the Senate, it would ensure that liberal Harry Reid and Barack Obama continue to set national coal policy rather than a Kentucky champion for coal, Mitch McConnell,” said Kelsey Cooper, Communications Director for the Republican Party of Kentucky.