In case you missed it, Part-Time Grimes’ Democratic allies have confirmed her deafening silence on the issues, and have even gone so far as to endorse it as a “smart” political tactic.
From the Lexington Herald- Leader yesterday:
Her Democratic allies said in interviews that Grimes was taking the right course of action.
Beshear said Grimes was being smart by focusing her efforts on raising money to compete against the millions McConnell has already amassed.
“Right now, she’s doing what she needs to do, and that’s raise money,” Beshear told the Herald-Leader.
U.S. Rep. John Yarmuth, D-Louisville, argued that Beshear’s outspoken advocacy — an op-ed in The New York Times, a speech in Washington and national media appearances — gives Grimes “some cover.”
And it’s not just Kentuckians noticing. The Wall Street Journal and the National Journal both published pieces last week calling Grimes out her for cowardly ways.
WSJ: Kentuckians for Obamacare?
It’s true that Kentucky had among the fewest exchange glitches during this week’s rollout. But if ObamaCare is so popular in the Blue Grass State, why doesn’t Democratic Senate candidate Alison Grimes, who is challenging Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell next year, want to talk about it?
Furthermore, if Kentuckians are so gaga over the new law, why does Congressman John Yarmuth, a Democrat from Louisville, think Ms. Grimes has been wise to avoid the subject? “I think it is probably smart politics,” he told the paper. “I think just from a very pragmatic political perspective, I think she has the opportunity to wait and see how it’s received.”
National Journal: Kentucky Governor’s Obamacare Advocacy Could Help Mitch McConnell
Grimes, who is running against Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, has said little about the new law as she tries to distance herself from an administration that remains unpopular in her home state. Like many other red state Democrats, she has said that she opposes full repeal and would like to fix certain areas of the law, but Grimes has yet to get specific on what changes she would make. Republicans and the local press are continuing to press her on the issue and with one of her campaign’s top surrogates praising the law, that pressure is only likely to grow.
So let’s get this straight. Two of her top Democrat surrogates have come out and said she’s “smart” to stay mum on the issue of ObamaCare in Kentucky, yet are fully supporting and championing the implementation of ObamaCare.
And the Grimes campaign, when given a chance to expand upon her views on the law, gave the same tired boilerplate answer they’ve given since day 1, confirming she supports the implementation of ObamaCare, but has “concerns.”
Concerns? Alison Lundergan Grimes’ only “concern” with ObamaCare, is that its disastrous effects on Kentucky families and businesses will hurt her campaign, when she really ought to be concerned that Kentuckians are going to see right through her façade of highly-edited talking points and “non-answer” answers.
But let’s be real – Part-Time Grimes doesn’t have time to worry about that. She has to prepare her liberal talking points for her Las Vegas fundraiser next week with Harry Reid! It’s just a hunch, but I bet she won’t be talking about “standing up for Kentucky coal” while she’s there.