With the news of ultra-liberal Elizabeth Warren coming to Kentucky to campaign for Alison Lundergan Grimes, it’s worth taking a look at the massive list of liberal, partisan Democrats that are backing Grimes’ campaign.
But first, let’s check out Elizabeth Warren’s stances on two issues important to Kentucky voters, coal and guns:
Sen. Elizabeth Warren Called The New EPA Regulations A “Powerful Step”. (Robert Rizzuto, “Sens. Elizabeth Warren, Ed Markey praise new EPA plan to cut power plant carbon dioxide emissions 30 percent by 2030,” Mass Live, 6/4/14)
Sen. Warren Specifically Cited The Harm That Comes From Power Plants. (Robert Rizzuto, “Sens. Elizabeth Warren, Ed Markey praise new EPA plan to cut power plant carbon dioxide emissions 30 percent by 2030,” Mass Live, 6/4/14)
Elizabeth Warren Was Endorsed By The Sierra Club And Clean Water Action In Her Last Campaign. (Robert Rizzuto, “Elizabeth Warren picks up endorsement of Sierra Club and Clean Water Action,” Mass Live, 4/3/14)
In December 2011, Warren’s Spokesman Said She Opposed The Construction Of The Keystone XL Pipeline Because Of Concerns About Safety And Environmental Impacts. (Noah Bierman, “Brown, Warren On Opposite Sides Of Oil Pipeline Debate,” The Boston Globe, 12/16/11)
Elizabeth Warren Supports An Assault Rifles Ban. “”No one needs military-grade assault weapons to hunt, and no one needs Rambo-style high capacity magazines to protect their family from intruders.” (Robert Rizzuto, “Senator-elect Elizabeth Warren plans to advocate for gun control, assault weapons ban in U.S. Senate,” Mass Live, 12/19/12)
Warren Supports Mandatory Background Checks Before Any Gun Sale And The Creation Of A Gun Buyers Database..” (Robert Rizzuto, “Senator-elect Elizabeth Warren plans to advocate for gun control, assault weapons ban in U.S. Senate,” Mass Live, 12/19/12)
What’s worth nothing: It’s only been a week since Grimes attended a fundraiser with ‘coal makes us sick’ Harry Reid and broke her promise to stand up for Kentucky coal. Her campaign clearly stated they would use the event to talk about coal, yet when she got up to speak in front of Harry Reid and his liberal donors, she didn’t even mention the world ‘coal’ once.
Grimes loves to tell Kentucky voters that she’ll stand up for them, despite a growing mountain of reports that she’s fundraising and campaigning with radical liberals that either totally oppose Kentucky values or threaten Kentuckians’ livelihoods with their anti-coal agendas. But just this week she proved that she won’t keep her word.
The question of the day is this:
How can Kentuckians trust someone that says one thing and does another?
Alison Lundergan Grimes wants voters to send her to Washington to stand up for their values, but it’s becoming increasingly clear that if she were elected to the Senate, she’d side with the ultra-liberal partisan Democrats backing her campaign, not the Kentuckians that just want their voices heard.
BACKGROUND: Grimes’ Liberal Anti-Coal, Anti-Gun Donors / Backers
At A Fundraiser With Harry Reid, Grimes Failed To Mention Coal Once. “Alison Lundergan Grimes’ campaign insisted last week that she’d use a high-dollar fundraiser with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid as a forum to promote Kentucky’s coal industry and demand action to protect the use of fossil fuel.That didn’t happen, according to an audio recording of the 45-minute affair obtained by POLITICO through a source at the event.Instead, when the Kentucky Democrat spoke at the Hyatt Regency on Capitol Hill last Thursday, she stuck to a partisan script, railing against Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s record on jobs, the minimum wage and women’s issues. The one word she didn’t say during her 11-minute speech: “coal.” (Manu Raju, Burgess Everett, “Alison Lundergan Grimes mum on coal at private fundraiser,” Politico, 6/9/14)
Lexington Herald Leader: “Grimes Raises Money With Opponents Of Coal-Fired Power.” “Alison Lundergan Grimes was raising money for her U.S. Senate campaign with opponents to coal-fired power on the same day that Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell joined a pro-coal rally in Washington. Grimes was scheduled to be in San Francisco on Tuesday for a fundraiser with California Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom and other prolific Democratic fundraisers. Newsom, one of the hosts of the fundraiser, according to an invitation obtained by the Lexington Herald-Leader, has long advocated for a clean-energy economy. In a 2011 news conference at the annual Clinton Global Initiative in New York City, Newsomargued that there are more jobs in developing renewable energy than in retrofitting coal-fired power plants. ‘You can go back to the old economy and the fuels from hell, the coal economy and nuclear, or you can get into the renewable economy and actually create more jobs, reduce your costs, and begin to focus on the global perspective and be more competitive with smart infrastructure and 21st century infrastructure,’ Newsom said.” (Sam Youngman, “Grimes Raises Money With Opponents Of Coal-Fired Power,” Lexington Herald Leader, 10/29/13)
Grimes Has Attended Multiple Fundraisers With DSCC Chairman Michael Bennet. “Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Chairman Michael Bennet (D-Colo.) is again putting his fundraising muscle behind Lundergan Grimes by headlining a Florida event next month. Tickets to the event, scheduled for March 2 at an unknownlocation in Palm Beach, range from $37,600 for a chair, $10,200 for a host and $5,200 for a guest, according to a registration page on the Democratic fundraising site ActBlue. (Alexandra Jaffe, “Big Dems keep helping Lundergan Grimes,” The Hill, 2/19/14)
· Sen. Bennet Opposed Efforts In The Senate To Stop EPA Regulations That Would Have A Disastrous Effect On The Coal Industry. “Colorado’s two Democratic senators sided with the White House on Wednesday when they voted to affirm what one GOP senator called “the centerpiece of President Obama’s war on coal.” The rule, which proponents say is necessary to limit harmful emissions from coal-fired power plants, but that opponents say will destroy jobs and cause energy prices to skyrocket, narrowly survived an attempt at repeal yesterday. Mark Udall and Michael Bennet opposed a measure that would have overturned the controversial EPA rule. The measure failed on a 46-to-53 vote yesterday.” (Mark Stricherz, “Udall and Bennet Side With Obama on Key Energy Vote,” The Colorado Observer, 6/21/12)
Rahm Emanuel Hosted A Fundraiser For Alison Lundergan Grimes In March. “On March 20, Emanuel is the headliner at a fundraiser for Kentucky Democratic Senate candidate Alison Lundergan Grimes hosted at the Conlon and Dunn firm, 1 E. Wacker. The ask runs from $250 to $5,200. The Kentucky action right now is in the GOP primary, where Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is in a battle with Matt Bevin, running with the backing of the Tea Party movement.” (Lynn Sweet, “Rahm hosting fundraiser for Rep. Enyart at Harry Caray’s,” Chicago Sun Times, 2/18/14)
· Emanuel Was Responsible For Pushing Cap And Trade Through The House Of Representatives. “It was hard for the Democrats to get the 219 votes they needed to pass the “cap and trade” climate change bill in the U.S. House two weeks ago. Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a California Democrat, may have rolled the dice but, veteran Capitol Hillers say, it was only the intervention of President Barack Obama and White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel that managed to close thedeal. They did it by pitching the vote as a referendum, at least internally, on Obama’s presidency rather than on the underlying issue. No president likes to lose, least of all on a signature issue like the need to combat climate change, so the White House ratcheted up the stakes and, one presumes, took down names.” (Peter Roff, “Numbers Adding Up Against Obama’s “Cap and Trade” Bill in the Senate,” US News, 7/7/09)
Grimes Fundraised With Sen. Sherrod Brown Who Said There Was No War On Coal. “The “special guest” of the evening will be Senator Sherrod Brown (D., Ohio), a liberal lawmaker who denies the overwhelming scientific evidence that the War on Coal is real. “There is no war on coal. Period,” Brown said during a 2012 debate, dismissing the War on Coal as mere conservative “talking points,” despite a robust academic consensus to the contrary.” (Andrew Stiles, “Alison Lundergan Grimes to Fundraise with ‘War on Coal’ Denier,” Washington Free Beacon, 4/14/14)
Grimes Is Fundraising With Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley. “On Thursday, Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley headlines a fundraiser for Ms. Grimes in Louisville, opening the Democrat to questions about whether she, too, supports gun restrictions or tax increases like those signed by the Maryland governor.” (Patrick O’Connor, “Outside Donors Bankroll Kentucky Senate Race,” Wall Street Journal, 4/16/14)
· O’Malley Praised Obama’s Proposed Job-Killing Climate Regulations. “Climate change is real. We in Maryland applaud the vision that President Obama offered to the American people today. By targeting thenumber one source of greenhouse gas emissions, President Obama is moving the United States in the right direction toward strongly emphasizing renewable energy, improving air quality for our vulnerable populations, and mitigating the effects of severe weather events and flooding on our coastlines and low-lying areas. We are committed to partnering with him so that together, we can make the better choices these times demand.” (Press Release, “Statement from Governor Martin O’Malley on President Obama’s Climate Action Plan,” Governor Martin O’Malley, 6/25/13)
· O’Malley Signed “Some Of The Toughest Gun Restrictions In The Country” “Maryland Will Soon Have Some Of The Toughest Gun Restrictions In The Country. Governor Martin O’Malley Will Sign A SweepingGun Control Measure Thursday.” (“Governor Martin O’Malley To Sign Gun Control Bill,” NBC Washington, 5/16/13)
Grimes Attends Fundraiser Hosted By Anti-Gun Trial Lawyers “According to the fundraiser invitation, obtained by the Lexington Herald-Leader, the hosts of the event are both trial lawyers, one with a history of making anti-gun remarks that might not play well in the Bluegrass.” (“Grimes’ fundraiser a dream come true for Republicans?” Lexington-Herald Leader, 10/10/13)