Category: Energy

  • Now Grimes really has a coal problem

    Alison Lundergan Grimes has told Kentuckians time and again that she will fight for Kentucky’s coal industry, but as we’ve seen over the course of this campaign so far, her […]

  • A clear contrast on coal

    Today it was reported by the Lexington Herald-Leader that Alison Lundergan Grimes will be attending a fundraiser tonight in San Francisco, CA hosted by California’s Lieutenant Governor and former San Francisco Mayor, […]

  • Kentuckians not buying what Grimes is selling on coal

    Alison Lundergan Grimes is seriously losing out on the coal battle in Kentucky. Between pushing outright lies about Sen. McConnell’s record on coal, fundraising with anti-coal Harry Reid, and laying […]

  • The rough week continues…

    Last week was a rough one for Democrat candidate Alison Lundergan Grimes, and it looks like it’s continuing. After spending the entire week on defense, attempting to prove her loyalty […]

  • News Brief: ‘The War on Coal’ in Kentucky

    The Obama administration and Harry Reid have declared a ‘war on coal’ in Kentucky, putting national Democrats on defense and Alison Lundergan Grimes in a tough, ‘awkward’ spot. Below are this […]

  • Who really fights for Kentucky coal?

    This morning, Senator Mitch McConnell asked the Senate for consent to take up the Saving Coal Jobs Act, legislation that would protect Kentucky’s coal jobs and manufacturing and block the […]

  • Grimes’ actions speak louder than her words

    In case you missed it, last week it was reported by cn|2 that Part-Time Grimes is headed to Las Vegas to raise some campaign cash with her liberal ally “coal makes us […]

  • RPK responds to Grimes’ hollow statement on coal

    The Republican Party of Kentucky released the following statement in response to Democrat Alison Lundergan Grimes’ release today regarding coal: “What Alison Lundergan Grimes so conveniently failed to address is […]

  • Grimes to fundraise with Harry “Coal Makes Us Sick” Reid

    As just reported by cn|2, it looks like Part-Time Grimes is headed to Las Vegas to raise some campaign cash with her liberal ally Harry Reid. Now here’s the problem – […]